How To Write Your Own How To Book

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Many people want to write their story. They may think about writing for a number of years, though they think and think, they don’t write down their very important words. Sadly, the day comes, and the inevitable happens, they die.

Don’t die before you can put those words down on paper or on to the computer, start today to tell your story!

‘How To Write Your Own How To Book’ – A Beginner’s Guide To Writing Books And E-Books, has been written through the author’s own experiences with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law always said, ‘…one day I’m going to write a book about my experiences in Sydney…’

The lovely lady died without putting one word down on paper – don’t let that happen to you.

When you write a book, even if never published, the feeling of personal satisfaction, growth and accomplishment is something that only you can experience. You may also write the next best seller, ‘no one knows just what they can do until they try it!’ Says Christine.

This is a simply written book that takes the guess work and some of the mystery out of writing books; it gives the new writer ideas, options to take and works with suggested guidelines, leading to the end conclusion of writing your own book.

A Must Have for anybody interested in taking writing seriously.


Format:      Paperback          Size:          14.8cm x 21cm

Pages:        71                        Word Count:        10,303