Know Your Destination

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Have you been looking for answers to troublesome questions or problems? If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you will need the FRESH techniques within this book: Know Your DestinationLearn to drive your mind.

Your mind operates in a similar way to the gearbox in the car you drive – there are ways of putting the gears into place that can either send you forward in life or into reverse which sends you backwards. Going into reverse at the wrong time or in the wrong place can cause a lot of trouble to your health, wellbeing, your love life, cause financial problems and unnecessary negative stress.

Your mind holds all of the positive answers you need – discover your Centre of Intelligence; this magnificent mind tool is locked inside your thinking and waiting to be tapped into.

In this book, Christine expands on her previous writings with developing mind health techniques that will allow you to take control of your mind; these techniques lead to: self-sustainability, personal and sustained positive mental growth, better health which allows you to gain the insight into your own distinctiveness.



A NEW Proactive Approach to developing Mind Health.

(This book has great potential for individual use, educators and parents of children of all ages)

Learn To Drive Your Mind


Christine Thompson-Wells

Format:      Paperback          Size:          A5 (14.8cm x 21cm)

Pages:        402         Word Count:      65,886