Stop Family Violence Now [Large Print]

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If you are interested in STOPPING Family Violence, this is a book worth reading.

The book is not about blame but about looking for solutions to an often unseen and unreported offence. STOP Family Violence NOW is a journey of positive progress for the reader.

Christine gives a new insight to how our minds work within different life situations. She also identifies the signals to watch for if you feel you are entering into danger.

The mind models are exceptionally helpful when it comes to identifying the different ways of thinking when we experience different and difficult situations. Taking you on the journey from Eric Berne’s model of Parent, Adult and Child through to Self, Family and Work; through her research Christine has identified the Four Orders contained within Self, Family and Work.

This is fascinating reading and the book opens many new doors to Mind Health, Wellbeing and developing the Mental Tools to become Self-Sustainable.


Workshops and Seminars

As a literary organisation, we are committed to stamping out all forms of human abuse. Abuse can only be eradicated if the educational tools are made available to individuals. Within STOP Family Violence NOW and, through the research done over many years, we have developed workshops and seminars which support the book. Our workshops are accredited and are available from 2018.


Our workshops are available for groups of interested people, community groups and organisations,government organisations, educational organisations and the private sector.

Format for Workshops

One day duration workshop

  • Objective: To identify key behaviour patterns by a perpetrator that lead to family violence; recovery for the victim furthering personal growth while developing mind tools for selfsustainability.

Two day duration workshop

  • Objective: To identify personal behaviour patterns (proactive thinking) by the victim that allows him/her to become aware of a perpetrator’s behaviour. To develop self-awareness techniques that assist with personal safety and to identify personal strengths which allow the victim to develop mind tools for self-sustainability, future growth and personal empowerment.


Seminar enquiries

For all enquires on workshops and seminars please email:


Format:      Paperback          Size:          21cm x 29.7cm

Pages:        222                       Word Count:        31,569

IlIustrations (mind models):   33