The Ghost of Female Menopause

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This easy-to-read book outlines the latest research and facts that help all women who want to know more about how their body works and the types of experiences and behaviour they may go through at the time of menopause.

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For generations females have suffered, not only with the Victorian attitude towards their sexuality, but towards the attitudes that women are a lesser human being than the males of the human species.

Testosterone plays a part in this, but more so does the attitude adopted by many males within the world populations. Many males, and indeed, some females, who develop the attitude, ‘they are more dominant’ than their sister counterparts, may also relate to the role male dominants play in society.
Biological females are born with great strengths in their mind and body.

The distribution of strength is different to that of biological males, but none-the-less, it is a strength that has kept the human population movingforward for the last three hundred thousand years or since the time we evolved as homo-sapiens and came out of Africa.

We cannot dispute, the now collected scientific research, that proves the evolution of the species. These people, though we are now ‘better educated,’ we may think; those ancient people too had working brains! Over time and through our development, males and females have developed larger brains, however, the hormones that worked in the bodies and brains of those earlier people, are inherited, and still working in our bodies and brains today. The earlier people had sex, made love, loved their families, and developed their attitudes.

So much of the working body and brain are ancient without modification.
The human brain has modified, but the hormones, enzymes and other bodily parts that allow us to survive and live our daily lives relate to our
ancient and past generations!

When we take a deep breath and look back to the past, to our previous grandparents and past generations in our family line, we can see the ancient connections working inside our body and brain, and this is why, the actions, words said, and the attitudes, that belong in the past, need to be modernised.

Negative attitudes towards women, in the 21st Century are out of date. If these words are hitting home, that is a good sign you are sensitive to the meaning written in the above!

Christine Thompson-Wells

Words: 16,600

Size: A5 (148x210mm) (5.8×8.3in)

Price: $48.40 inc GST plus Delivery

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