We are delighted to bring you our next and latest edition of the ‘Magic of Chelsea’ 2024.
As with our previously published Magic of Chelsea books, this one is also published with those in mind who cannot visit the event but would love to, and keeping in mind those who did visit the show and want to cherish their memories, so we are bringing this book to you.
Unlike many other years, the weather was cold, windy, and wet. With so many summer clothes packed and unable to be worn, I went to my favourite store to buy warmer things. We were lucky as our tickets for Chelsea this year were bought later than usual. With the first few days of the opening of Chelsea being wet, our visiting day was at least dry…
It was a fun day with lots of happy people enjoying not only the dryer weather but the camaraderie and enjoyment of the moments; the different stands and exhibits were evident. With enthusiasm and excitement filling the air, we were out to have a good time.
It was busy with crowds, possibly because there were more people than usual on the previous bad weather days! Regardless, with patience and persistence, we achieved our goal of accessing almost a thousand photographs for this latest edition of the ‘Magic of Chelsea…’
From beautiful floral displays, different flowers, and plants in the Great Pavilion to outstanding pieces of creative sculpture, all were displayed at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show.
As a lover of art in modern and traditional forms, I marvelled at some interesting sculptures. The use of ovals, rounds, and geometric forms was evident, especially in the work exhibited, and the encouragement shown to young artists still finding their way, as in the work presented by Guruve.
While every stand presented a feast of colour, difference, and new, seeing the traditional wildflowers featured on some of the stands and the joy of individual flowers or mass celebrations within the flower colour and different varieties brought to the visitors was stimulating.
It is only on reflection and by working on this book that I celebrate the treasured moments spent and the gratitude now felt, and the nostalgia of the time becomes one of life’s precious memories. I, too, know that this book, by turning the pages and feasting your eyes on the photographs, will leave you with the feeling of peace, enjoyment, and satisfaction that I have felt during its writing.
With over 250 coloured photographs, commentary, designer ideas and a feast of inspiration, this book offers it all.
Format: Paperback Size: 29.7cm x 21cm (A4)
Pages: 126 Photos: Over 250
Video: Magic of Chelsea on Vimeo